Stepping into The Best Part Of Yourself (aka your King, Queen, “Heart Centred Leader”, Most Powerful Self, etc)
Our internal Heart Centred Leader blesses and supports us no matter what. He / she sees our essential value, outside of any achievements or failure. In the eyes of our Heart Centred Leader we are always worthy of love, respect and care. She / he is there to support us and to help us find the support we need in the world. See more explanation of the concept of the “Heart Centred leader” here: (redirects to
Here’s some guidance on “Stepping into Your Best Self”
1 Create a safe space (no interruptions, privacy, etc)
2 Relax, get grounded (a few minutes’ preparation so you can focus on the task in hand without distracting thoughts)
3 Stand up in a relaxed but “solid” way
4 Imagine the energy / image / presence of the finest version of the “best part of yourself” standing somewhere nearby. This can be an image of a powerful / regal / strong character from real life, or a fictional character from literature, the movies, TV, or an image of the finest version of yourself in your full power. The sky’s the limit!
5 When you have that image clear, or at least can imagine the energy of that person, take a physical step into the space where your Best Self stands, with clear conscious intention to embody her energy.
6 As you step in, allow yourself to open up to the energy of your Best Self. You will feel some difference: calmness, confidence, control, physical changes (feeling bigger), or energy flow – all these and more are possible. There is no right or wrong.
7 From this strong place, feel the power and calmness that is inherent in your body and mind. Make your decisions, review your life, reassure the worried parts of yourself as if you were talking to them right there and then, as if they were standing somewhere near you. If you wish, you can even imagine other parts of yourself are present, and talk to them. For example, ask your inner Magician (Transformer) for advice, or help solving problems. Give your inner Warrior (Action Taker) instructions about what needs to be done. Speak to your Lover (Feeling Body) and your younger self, your Inner Child, to reassure him / her and tell her she is safe. Do what you need to do. You can imagine any part of yourself standing nearby, and speak to them internally or out loud as if they were physically present in the room with you.
8 Practice this every morning for long lasting effects! If it doesn’t work for you, get the help of a coach, for example Francisco Cabeza West..
Step 9 Imagine the power of the Universe charging you up and supporting you
When you’re standing in the place of your Best Self (above) imagine connecting with the energy of the universe: the power of “the sky above” cascading downwards into the crown of your head, maybe imagining this as a stream of white or coloured light, while the energy of the Earth below moves upwards – again imagining this as a flow of energy represented by a colour or mixture of colours, a beam of energy supporting you from below. Spend a few minutes feeling your rightful place on the Earth, feeling the energy that supports you, and allowing yourself to experience a sense of your power and strength. You can also imagine that energy flow washing away stress, tiredness, anxiety and the like.